Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Day 121

Wow ! What a cool day !!!!

I spent the coolest time at the Discovery Museum in Cherry Hill NJ today with my new associates of  The Jersey Shore Children's Museum....Mari and Vivian.....



                      Myself and My Mom ( Rest in Peace MOM.....)

We were just welcomed with open arms by Museum Floor Manager, Hilary..... Exhibit Manager, Mark.... Director of Sales and Marketing, Beverly and Museum Director Kelly ! ( Pictured:  Kelly, Mark,  Hilary)

Recently, I was invited to the board of directors of our own Jersey Shore Children's Museum .

Today, we spent some relaxing and quality time being toured around the Garden State Discovery Museum, taking notes, sharing ideas and even talking about affiliate relations between the Museums. How awesome is that?  With today's ever changing technology, it is so important for these places to thrive and survive. Not that there is anything wrong with technology...... we reach over 3500 people just on this blog ....from all over the world..... and I thank you for that. What I'm saying is, it's not the ONLY thing we need to make our children well rounded. These museums are working on integrating the technological world somewhat with the more hands on, "play stations" for children.  As you will see in the pictures below....the Discovery Museum has done that very well. With a few big screens and a few push button features they have integrated the most important part of the Museum..... PLAY. There is even an area for the real little ones ..... Older siblings have a duck scavenger hunt where they locate ducks strategically placed around the museum for a prize. If you want to browse through the pictures.... you can get an idea of the imagination behind all this. You can also visit the sites by the links above or by clicking VISIT at the  museum logos at the bottom.
The Jersey Shore Children's Museum has spent some great years at the Shore Mall, which is now being mostly closed and knocked down. There is a new location that is in the works behind the Hamilton Mall, so the campaign right now is to get the new Museum up and running. Much work is needed as you will see if you visit the site and see the pics. of the new intended space.
The Discovery Museum has graciously allowed us to take photos and share them with you. We look forward to a long relationship with the Discovery Museum as we get the Jersey Shore Museum into a new location and beyond.....    Thank you Kelly and your staff for making this time so special for us !

From an actual car set up......

                                     the 100 seating capacity Theatre................

Animal Clinic.................

What an exhibit from the Silver Diner......check out the booths.....


Dinosaur Exhibit.................


                      Just a taste of the Flyers Exhibit complete with running games on a hanging  TV

                                 Gotta love the "Stuffin' Studio" where you can pick your animal off the wall, stuff it and clothe it at a reasonable price............very cool !

                                                          Old fashioned Country Kitchen complete with .......

                                                          Old fashioned TV --  with LIVE Fish for a screen....

                                           How about the Live Turtle exhibit. 13 turtles in all..... Hey, are you a member of the Turtle Club?  You'll have to read my book for the inside to that one !!! (coming in March)

                            How about a glimpse into the sounds of the night where you can listen to the sounds together or pick out each individual sound with a sound board......  

                           A Pizza table where you can move your choice of toppings around with a  magnet......


                                                Gotta love the butterflies.... ( Hi Mom).... in the Summer there is an outside butterfly exhibit........... cool !

                                                  Action News section complete with a kid cam ....take it away !

                                     ....AND  What would "Jersey" be without a Construction/ Hard Hat Zone.....
This area is very cool . Also has a section with blue prints so you can see how to read them and make them !

Visit the sites, set your sites on taking your family to a children's museum..... Post on the blog page on the Jersey Shore Museum page.... play around by clicking on the logos below............
When was the last time you visited a children's museum? Let us know right here.... and we look forward to seeing you at both of these places in your travels!



Enjoy...........                               VISIT OUR WEB PAGE

1 comment:

M D Dattolo (Mari D'Albora Dattolo) said...


This museum is AWESOME in every way! The exhibits are so creative and interactive-but beyond that, I think I was just as impressed with the hospitality of the staff! Coming from the (BIG) South Jersey city, we are too familiar with the competitive nature among businesses-it is so refreshing to work beside a Team that is happy to exchange ideas and mentor the new 'neighbors'! We're eager to establish a cooperative partnership with our 'sister property' in Cherry Hill! :)