Saturday, May 6, 2017

....And the Legend Continues....

.... The Herban Legend.....back home in Hammonton............

Good Morning all,

Hope your weekend is filled with love, harmony and a positive outlook now matter what you have planned  !

So how many of you know the Legend Master, Brian K. Johnson, Sr. ?

Well Brian Gets around LOL.... if you haven't seen him organizing and leading the latest drum circle this past month, you may have seen him in your travels. Brian is constantly moving and shaking to keep his positive spirit in the know and in the right place. ! ( I just love that about him)
He is so calm and easy to talk with. Just being around him puts you at ease.

So the Herban Legend Boutuque started in Hammonton, NJ about 12 years ago. One thing lead to another and Brian found himself setting up shop in the quaint area of the Smithville Village.  This location is about 30-35 minutes from the original spot. I met Brian at the Smithville location several years ago and we became fast friends.  I was always drawn to his positive spirit, the beautiful items he had in his boutiques..... essential oils, energy stones, interesting clothing , accessories and more....

I think my story takes you beyond the move.... it doesn't matter where his location is, what matters is what he brings to life.... His platform, if you may, is having a home for Healing Properties, Fair Trade, Social Consciousness and to support local Artisans....\
 Last year, Brian did a model campaign on Face Book with local people that had something to say ! It was a beautiful spread.

He is strong on his feeling to stay Metaphysically Grounded and promoting beautiful people and culture is all over his boutique.... One of the Artisans he is showing at his place is local Artist Joyleen Steinen... her work is amazing and you can catch a glimpse here....

 You know I'm partial to the one with the "eye" in it  - yet this one below is in Brian's shop and is absolutely amazing ! ( The owl is not part of it, just keeping an "Eye" out....He really doesn't give a HOOT !  Ha Ha )

 I am looking forward to embarking on some very interesting projects with Brian , his family and his staff as we explore "Empowerment" and what we can do to make a difference...
If you are in the area, here are a couple of workshops coming up at his boutique - located at :

Herban Legend
205 N. Bellevue Ave. 
Hammonton , NJ 08037

First, May 11th  You can Catch the Dream Catcher Workshop
This is a BYOW ( Bring your own Wine) event
Thurs. 7 PM 

....And on May 13th  You can energize your Chakras and Harmonize your soul
Sat. 1-3 PM with disciplines in breathing, Meditation and Reiki....come meet LeeAnn who will be running this event....

                                    The Boutique Hours are Wed.-Sat. 10-6 and Sunday 11-5 

If you are NOT in the area, check out all the cool "things" on Face Book at:

as the Legend Continues !!!!


Enjoy !

1 comment:

M D Dattolo (Mari D'Albora Dattolo) said...

Thank you for introducing us!
Brian your calming peaceful spirit is such
a welcome invitation to BREATHE thru these
troubled times. Namaste ~~