So I had the opportunity to follow the wonderful Bluegrass Band VINTAGE DRIVE, out to Sellersville. Where is Sellersville anyway?
Sellersville is located in Pennsylvania. It is a beautiful quaint little town, even in the pouring rain !
Two of the coolest places I've seen in Sellersville is the "Sellersville Theater" and the "Washington House" They are next to each other and both have a rich history. The Washington House has been in this location since 1742. Once a railroad station and has passed through owners of the land over several generations. It is just a beautiful place to enjoy . With great food and now a renovated hotel to enjoy your time a little longer. Guests spilling over from the Theatre enjoy the small town local flavor at the Washington House.
Moving back over to the theatre, a packed house once again for opening act VINTAGE DRIVE and Headlining Act THE GIBSON BROTHERS...
A break at the bar was welcomed during intermission !
According to House Manager , Kelly Maciegczyk, ( yes, I asked her how to pronounce it !) the theatre does 5-7 shows a week all year long. It is very community based and brings in a nice hometown crowd. At some point, going back in time, the Theater was an old movie house and still has the hole in the "light/camera" room where the old projector used to be.
They also run an event called the VIEW AND BREW where you can come out , see a movie and purchase beer and wine.
If you have the time, take a trip out to the Sellervielle Theater and the Washington House at 135 N. Main St. Sellersville, PA and check it out. Tell them Ava sent you and pick yourself up a mug or a T-shirt while relaxing at the theatre and enjoying some great food at the Washington House !
Thank you , Bekah, for all your help ! YOU ALL ROCK !
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Enjoy !
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