Welcome to the 4th installment of our Bobblehead blog series....this day, we are talking doggies....well, one particular breed of doggie, the mini-schnauzer..... why? Well, that is the doggie we have now and here is her story......
Angel, as we call her, came to us with quite the search.... my hubby was recently in 2 car accidents and life just wasn't going the way we wanted it to be.... it still isn't, yet Angel helps and we are connecting with the Universe for our next adventure......
I wanted us to have a dog again. I grew up with dogs, birds etc... and I missed having a dog. I also knew in my heart that a dog would bring much added stress relief to our lives, especially my husband. So I was on a mission to find a doggie...... went to several rescue places and just didn't find what I was looking for..... I met my good friend's sons dog.... a mini schnauzer and fell in love..... So I finally found a Schnauzer rescue and got a hold of someone after awhile..... they just didn't have any dogs !!! They said they could put me on a waiting list yet it could be a year..... waaaaa..... so I proceeded to tell this woman my story and about my hubby's accidents etc.....she then recommended a friend of hers that had retired show dogs...and she thought she had 2 left.....
Long story a little shorter, I made contact, drove 2 hours to meet the 2 doggies, and Angel is the one that jumped up on me..... the rest is history..... she has brought so much joy to our lives since Christmas when we got her officially.....
Now, she is a service dog and we take her to 2 nursing homes in our area.... see a couple of the beautiful pics as our Angel blesses our lives and the lives of others..... I actually found a schnauzer Bobblehead and that is how our Angel comes to the blog series we are doing for six months......
Angel Above.....
Angel Below at one of our Nursing home visits......
Fun facts about Schnauzers:
Intelligent, mischievous and often stubborn
Full of Life
Low shedding (practically none)
Should groom them every 5-8 weeks
They prefer to spend time in the company of loved ones
They adore their family !
Stay tuned as we continue our bobblhead blog series and thanks for checking in !
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