Well, being sick last week has taken its toll.... I fell asleep over the lap top last night after a long day. If you are under the weather, ease back in slowly.... whatever is going around, it wiping us out ! Now this is your Balcony Blogger telling you, yes I said Telling You, to put good liquids in your body and take it easy....... Now onto our Elvis Tribute monthly Spotlight with the amazing Joseph Ramsey !

I just love doing these ETA Spotlights and I love the story behind Joseph Ramsey..... everyone has a story right? I love how things evolve.... especially here.... It's not a long story, just cool how it came together....
So here is Joseph with this amazing voice and resemblance to Elvis.... OK, let's go back a bit and give credit where credit is due yes? Angela Ramsey, Joseph's Wife, got him started at a Karaoke Bar.... singing Country Music. He enjoyed that....people kept telling him he sounded like Elvis...and with the resemblance he decided to give Elvis a try.... He entered the Lake George ETA competition and came in 2nd place.... He was on his way to doing what he loved with style and grace....
He visited Graceland and told me that it was really cool to be inside Elvis' home and all. I know many of us that go there feel the "Elvis" Aura, if you may, upon visiting Graceland. Highly recommended.
Joseph has made a career out of being an ETA. For those of you just joining us, that stands for Elvis Tribute Artist. I asked Joseph, as I ask all of the ETA's I speak with, what is something that fills you with joy in doing this? His response, as many of the others said, is the smiles on people's faces when he is doing his tribute to the KING. That time in Lake George was Joe's first time competing EVER.... Here is a sneak peek from a Lake George Competition in 2007.....
And we've come a long way baby !
You can catch Joe at the Lake George Festival Competition in NY May 31st - June 4th
This is the festival where Joseph Ramsey got his start.....
I always find it interesting to hear the love of Elvis from every ETA I've met and spoken with. It's obvious that the ones I am meeting are celebrating the famed career of Elvis with dignity and grace. These are the stories I want to bring you. I think , personally, that many people didn't understand Elvis and that is what made for controversy. People don't normally like to accept "change" easily and at the time, Elvis and his music, were definitely a change of pace.... People like Joseph keep that legacy alive and doing it WELL, is the best tribute anyone can get.
Joseph is also doing a special show on March 24th in Glen's Falls.... this one is taking place at the VFW on Luzerne Rd., Queensbury , NY
5.00 from each ticket sold is going to our TROOPS in the form of care packages sent out !
If you are in the area, come out and support this great event.
You can find info and more about Joseph at his Face Book page JOSEPH RAMSEY
I love the fact that his biggest supporters are his wife Angela and his daughter Sierra....
Joseph also asked me to thank all the people that have loved and supported what he brings to the stage over the years.....
Way to go Joseph, we love you !
Enjoy !
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Next week we add our annual new feature...the FANTASTIC FLIP.... join us right here with your Balcony Blogger, Ava Holly . Have a great week !