Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Day 43

Wow! Since the Hurricane I've been playing catch up and falling asleep in front of the TV at night. What a crock!  So let me get in here early this morning and play catch up here too..... I know we all do it...... it's all part of the process....

So Tuesday was a bit interesting. I wouldn't say it was totally away from the norm, however, it was a different part of a normal routine.... maybe you have had a similar experience. I am a board member of a group called the South Jersey Network.   (among a couple of others that may come up in conversation some time....or blog-versation.... LOL)
The SJN group meets twice a month. Once during the day, and once in the evening. (2nd and 4th Tues. of each month) We were at our 2nd Tues. lunch meeting.  At this particular meeting, a panel of experts were put together, directly from our group, to field questions regarding Hurricane Sandy and how we could utilize our expertise to help others. This panel discussion went on for about 20 min. to half an hour and was so worthwhile. I mention it here because it was truly out of the ordinary for what we do at our meetings. One gentleman mentioned how he has really been depressed and I guess his body has just been overwhelmed by all the devastation. I had to agree with him. I'm not the only one feeling that. "Sandy" has truly impacted many lives in one way or another.
So let me just put out there:
 Michael Wrigley from Liberty Public Adjusters, Jim Gibbs from Serv Pro (mold remediation), Marc Ludwig from Allstate, Derek Weikel (electrician), Dan Hoffman (plumber), Al Stiteler (roofing), Dave Camey (Handyman), Mike Demling from MDA Architects  and several people from our group offering services or discounts on services including Arzum Sanchez from Keller Williams Real Estate.

In the wake of Sandy, I felt the need to share this info with you..... If you need any help or any information on any of these people, feel free to contact me at my web page ( link below) or visit the South Jersey Network, (link below).
That few minutes of my life was so worthwhile......
                                                            Visit Our Web Page
                                                           South Jersey Network

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