Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Day 36

Well, now we are into the new day, LOL   That's what happens, I guess, when you are fighting a cold and your sleep pattern is thrown off. It's almost 3 AM....fell asleep early, woke up to watch election coverage and now I'm posting my blog..... what a day! I'm sure many of you can relate......

Today I took the time to visit with a couple of friends. Yes, we discussed business and things of that nature too, however the point of us getting together was to get together. In both instances, we wanted to make sure that we don't wait so long to see each other again.

Maybe it's time you contacted an old friend, schoolmate, associate.....whatever....just someone you haven't gotten in touch with for some time. It's great that we have blogs, social media, phones, texts whatever.... but there is still a need for the human touch and the human condition face to face. If your friend is too far away, by all means use whatever you can to reach out. If your friend is in your "backyard" take that 5-10 minutes
 ( or longer if you can) and visit with them....catch up with them. The conversation will be great yet the important thing is to connect with someone.  With all we are going through in many areas these days.... connect with someone and brighten up your human spirit. That positive energy will go a long way...........
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