Monday, June 23, 2014

Finishing up the Brand re cap

Well, it's Monday again and here we are..... I hope you had your thinking cap on with regards to brand recognition. What things did you think about? How are you changing or bettering your BRAND?  One of the things to help with that is to evaluate your ups and downs ( not only profit and loss, but just highs and lows of your business in general) in some kind of time increment..... 3 months, 6 months, one year...whatever works for you. You need to actually set up an evaluation time whether it's alone with family or with staff and write down the things that you did right and the things that maybe didn't work out so well.

This way you can visually see where you spending your time, energy and money and re-evaluate your goals etc....

Contrary to some opinions, I believe that once you come up with your logo, your mission statement or idea, and your need to make sure EVERYONE knows what that is.....  It is crucial to keep these things out where people can see and hear about YOU and what you are doing.....

....and our squats????.... Hope you are keeping up with that and burning some gorgeous lines... Haha

Time has been crazy for me so I will get back in here when I can. In the meantime, work on your strategies both physically and emotionally to keep moving forward....

Enjoy !

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