Friday, August 26, 2016

For the Love of BREAKFAST !

Hello all,

What better way to set up this next blog post than to center it around FOOD !  LOL

I had the honor and the pleasure of meeting Melanie Ruggles today at a new hot spot to eat breakfast and lunch. For me, it's all about the Love of Breakfast.... the most important meal of the day !

We have our share of great places to eat here in Galloway , NJ.  Hopefully, I'll get to share some of them with you in the blogspot !  We have even had Guy Fieri out at a few places in the surrounding area... Maybe we can get him to visit the new Hot Spot.........THE CRACKED EGG. 

If you want to chat with Melanie, the first thing she will tell you is that she is NOT Norman Bates' Mom !  Guess you have to be a local to understand that one. You know you can always send in questions or comments and I will do my best to answer and get to know you better .....

So Melanie, originally from NJ, had a business in Florida. She studied Hotel Restaurant Management and found herself living in Florida. She came back to NJ with her husband and wound up working for Ford. Yep, she worked in the Ford Dealerships. Wanting to get into a business in her field, she decided she would move back to Florida to pursue that dream...

One day, her husband was driving down the road and saw the restaurant space for lease at the Ten Acre Motel in Galloway. The rest is history as they say.... ( Who is THEY anyway???)

After a remodel and a run through of a couple of chefs, Melanie hit the hot spot with an article in the Atlantic City Press .  She also wound up hiring Chef Marina, a  former Restaurant owner herself....

OMG the Omelets are so delicious !!!!!  I'm going back Tuesday and bringing someone new too !!

Find THE CRACKED EGG CAFE  on Facebook !

If you are in the Galloway area of New Jersey stop in at the Cracked Egg at 637 New York Rd. Galloway, NJ  and of course....tell them Ava sent you !

                                                                CHEF MARINA

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