Friday, February 3, 2017

Ramping it up in 2017...what's YOUR next move?

Hello 2017....

So January came and went and recently I was able to enjoy a wonderful cruise to Jamaica and the Cayman Islands. It was great to be with some great friends on the Carnival Sensation for the Poker Cruise 2.

Well, I always say that January is a planning month. I planned for a trip so coming back with piles of work left for me was just another sign that it was time to RAMP IT UP. 

I stumbled across this very cool network TV company on Face Book.... I come to find out that many of it's members/hosts are part of our eWomen Network including one of the founders. It was very cool talking with Jayne Rios one of the founders of the WBTVN -  Women's Broadcast Television Network....

I am proud and excited to say that I will be one of the new spotlight hosts. I will have a once a month 30 min. segment based on empowerment thorough the entertainment and fashion industry and through businesses making a difference in the World. It's going to be fun and exciting and is going to ramp up all that I am doing with this blog, with the business and with our new line of purses and handbags coming soon......

I hope you are finding a way to RAMP UP YOUR 2017 and try some new things to take you to new heights....

At the WBTVN there are Branded channels, spotlight hosts, and corporate channels available.  This global on line network offers Live streaming, live chat with and audience 24/7....How cool is that??

This is one of the founders, Jayne Rios
You can catch her beautiful and welcoming videos right at the network which I will link below.
Some of the shows I am gravitating to are MAKING IT HAPPEN TV with Victoria Lee
CINDY UNCORKED with Cindy Ashton  COFFEE WITH CLAIRE  with Claire Billingsley and now AVA'S CASUAL CHAT with yours truly.... We should be airing on the 3rd Thursday of each month at 2:00 PM EST  1:00 PM CST. Shows will also be archived at the network.  As I learn, I will pass the info on to you.....
The network platforms include  amazonfireTV, ROKU, IOS, androidTV and several more....

Start by checking out these amazing hosts.... and I will let the link speak for itself.... let's start ramping it up now.....
Enjoy !

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