Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Days 356 & 357 (Tues./Wed.)

WE are getting down to the wire now. I have plans for our new things coming up !!! Stay tuned for that. In the meantime, it's so good to see this site the way I used to. I have no idea how it got screwed up nor how it came back.....

I hope you are finding those things that you haven't done in a long time, have never done, or just wanted to do again.... LOL

I spent some time at Friendly's having dinner with Mari and Sherrii in a fundraiser for the
 Jersey Shore Children's Musuem . Of cours, the ice cream was good.................and bad........... if you know what I mean.

I am also embarking on a new company rising up from Florida, Javita.....

If you drink coffee, this is the company for you. Healthy, weight loss coffee....healthy mind and energy coffee............. If you don't drink coffee, Tea and Cocoa will be avail. in a few months. Contact me if you are interested in finding out more about a healthy coffee and tapping into a huge market !

These things have all been great. What are YOU doing today ?

Enjoy !

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