Monday, November 23, 2020

It IS Possible...

 Hello Monday eve ! 

hoto by Greg Willson on Unsplash

Thank you Greg for this great image

Hope you are all getting a great start to your Thanksgiving week.  It is quite difficult these days to maintain a sense of "Normalcy" is you may.... I know I find myself more depressed than not lately and I am constantly finding ways to stay positive. ( that's usually no problem for me, yet these days it's been challenging).. 

That all said, we all desperately need to learn to live in Possibility ! want to make sure that you are not "giving up" on anything no matter what your situation is. No matter what is going on in the World , we need to keep moving forward. In this crazy time in the World and with Thanksgiving coming up- let's be grateful for any little thing we have. Let's be grateful for any little thing we can get , and let's be grateful to be able to help one another during these times.... I love a quote I heard a long time ago....

"No one ever went blind by looking on the bright side"


P =  Perseverance

O= Observation

S= Signs

S= Situate

I= Intuition

B= Brave

I= Intelligence

L= Love

I= Integrity

T= Thankful

Y= Yearning

Put all these together and connect the dots to your Possibility ! Happy Thanksgiving everyone !

Let's see what our Possibility is as we move to close 2020 and move ahead to 2021 

Find us at Facebook under 

New website to be announced soon !


Saturday, November 14, 2020

Who's got my pickle????

Well, this crazy time has definitely not done much for my positive outlook on life. That said, through collaboration and connections, I am coming back to myself. It's been some time and we played the catch up game several months ago .... now I feel I can finally come back here. I thank you all for being loyal "eyes" on this blog and now we can continue to grow !

What better way to start back than celebrating National Pickle Day ! Woo Hoo !!!!

So what are the benefits of pickles?

I Remember using pickle juice to help with overnight leg actually worked....

So who's got my pickle???   LOL

 According to google.... pickles can help with digestion. They are full of good bacteria known as probiotics. Cucumbers are high in an antioxidant called beta-carotene, which your body turns into vitamin A.The high vinegar content in pickles is said to boost fat burning abilities and improve and promote overall weight loss.....So let us celebrate National Pickle Day today !!!

( if you are not a pickle fan, hang on and we'll do something sweet soon ! LOL)

....Again thanks for being loyal viewers of this blog....    

                                           WE ARE BACK NOW FOR SURE !

We are also updating our web page so bear with us at this time and I will have a new link for you soon to check out all things  #4ASTAR  #AVASEYBAGZ and more ! Great to be back.....

Find my public figure page on FACEBOOK 
Ava Holly

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

The Balcony Blogger "Catch up " 1

So now we play the "catch up" game as I have content that's been sitting around through many different situations.... We are on a motivation trip and are ready to get back into things even if that may be only on line....

I have got serious ways to make money on line while we wait out the crazy unprecedented trip the World is taking right now.... We will be growing 4 A STAR with a brand new website and new things to offer everyone... in the meantime, let's get caught up in here.... so we go back to our Kindness event. We covered this event last year and now we bring you some new content for the event that took place in November.  Hopefully, we will be doing this again in November coming and all of this will be behind us....

So Red Bank NJ is the way we kick off National Kindness week. It starts with the streets being blocked off for the cool "Dance with Kindness" event.  People can register on line and learn the dance to participate in.... then everyone rehearses on a back lot... and then the dance explosion begins....;

Heading up the Red Bank event is my good friend and business associate TereseRolke....

find her on Face Book and tell her Ava sent you to find out more about Kindness week.... Here are some highlights from the event....

Well, I must say we have all been through something historic between November and now.... let's look to the future ....join us in November when we hope to Dance again in Red Bank !

Enjoy !

Visit our web site to be coming soon....

Friday, March 27, 2020

Hang in there.....

Well hello hello hello.....

Wow ! Are we all going through it or what?  Between whirlwind "stuff" and all the new "stuff" going on now.... it's a wonder I can even get in here..... We have A LOT of catching up to do and with people staying at home for the most part, maybe we can provide some interesting reading...

For right now, I want to just speak to the matter at hand. Whether you are working from home, working out in the public, serving the public or not working at all ( and going crazy).... just take it one moment at a time, one breath at a time...

I have no idea what our "New Normal" will look like or even when it will look like.... yet stress is a factor that can make everything worse....

The best we can do right now is do what we feel is right in our heart and stay clean....

WASH YOUR HANDS FREQUENTLY ( and at least 20 seconds.... singing Happy Birthday twice or going through the alphabet will give you the proper time to wash your hands)


STAY HOME IF YOU CAN... Or if you go out, follow guidelines and social distance....

All of these things are said to keep us safer and avoid spreading .

I am no expert yet I am watching and learning.... find actual facts...don't buy in to some of the stuff that is just not true ! Use trusted sources for your information....

That all said....we are in this together and this will pass at some point so Hang in there....

In the meantime, I will be back tomorrow with much needed catch up !

Stay safe and be well..... make sure you breathe.... do some light exercise....go for a walk around your house or development.... do a hobby...get in here and read -  LOL

Love ,

Your International Blogger


Stay tuned for an exciting new  web page coming soon !